Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

prepositional phrases

What's your stance?
If you're not behind our troops and vets, you're below them, way below them.


See, the army's acronym is incomplete, just like the values that the "leadership" in army is showing.
The officer corps is broken. Field grades don't know how to think - they know what to think - they're a bunch of yes-men who can't think for themselves, they're afraid to make decisions, even the easy, no-brainers.
It's really pitiful. I only hope that enough captains can learn from the failures of their "mentors" and, if they are brave enough to stay in the service, turn things around and not fail the next generation of officers as they have been failed.

Oh yeah, BEAT NAVY!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Christmas

The song "Happy Christmas, War is Over," should be banned from public radio play.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

change is good?

Wow, moving sucks - but I'm glad to be away from BACH - evil place I wouldn't wish on my enemies.

Anyway, getting back on-line again and back to the fight for troops' medical care. It's still scary to know that troops are falling through administrative cracks - and bureaucratic "solutions" tend to aggravate problems, not alleviate them.

The Army's budget is hurting bad and one need look no further than the evolution of the motto over the years. "Be all you can be" was fine. The only problem was the message of "get into the army so we can start preparing you for a better life on the outside." Yeah, that didn't work so good. The answer: "An Army of one." On wheel of fortune players have to buy vowels - this slogan begs the question: couldn't the army afford a verb? The one man army concept was (thankfully) short-lived - we're not a mass of individuals, we're a team - at least we're supposed to be. But now, "Army strong"??? what kind of illiterate idiots are we looking for? This makes no sense at all? The ad campaign finally has the image right, but who wants to join the knuckle-dragging, grunting, groaning dolts that approved Army strong? And, after seeing some of the spaghetti-armed or doghnut-bellied (take your pick) new recruits, A.S. is not a good description. I'd want to be better than the current A.S.

I'm not going to waste anymore time on a dim-witted slogan, perhaps it was a ploy to distract everyone from the real problems in the ranks - neglect, incompetence, and cover-ups.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

perception is reality

While all these great changes are in the works for the military medical cluster fuck the army is talking about all the nice changes coming and how things are so bad everywhere else.
Bull Fucking Shit.

I am reminded of a great quote I heard a few years ago for situations just like this:


Like we don't notice the problems still exist. Promises will be made, but a great debt remains unpaid. And that debt will be felt in the hearts of a generation born of ill-conceived war.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Startling reports

I was devastated yesterday when I spoke to a severely injured soldier.
He's about to ETS and the pricks in the MEB office are dragging his Board and taking their sweet time moving his papers. They probably hope he will quit, and ETS without the benefits of an MEB. That's just how they roll their shit- at troops' cost!
These fuckers don't have any interest in helping the troops- I don't know how they sleep at night.
NEVER LEAVE A FALLEN COMRADE! Its not that fucking hard.
These severely injured troops don't want your sympathy or your cheap yellow support. But you MEB penny-pinchers owe them respect and preservation of their dignity. PEBLOS need to STOP PLAYING DOCTOR! Let the Docs do their jobs and start helping the soldier get the treatment and documentation they need to make a smooth transition from Active Duty to Veteran status.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

In case you missed it . . .

The fucking oil companies have seized the opportunity of public distraction to jack up gas prices again.
With all the Walter Reed news, the Libby verdict, whats-her-name Smith, Cheney's Black Cloud, . . .
So even on post the prices went way up wicked fast.
Come on now, why make the troops pay twice!?!?!? Are you kidding me!?!?!?

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Ann Coulter: Hypocrite

I mean come on now!!!

If she was really as far-right-leaning as she talks she would get out of the spotlight, find a man, submit to him, kick off her shoes, start cooking in the kitchen, and start squirting out his kids.


well, except the poor bastard who married her and the kids that'll suffer her cooking.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

its about fucking time

So, someone finally saw through the bullshit that troops are getting the medical care they need. What took so long - was saying troops don't get proper medical treatment considered unloyal? Would doubting troop medical care "embolden" our enemies? For fuck's sake it doesn't take a rocket scientist to walk into a building and smell the foul odor of building decay.
I am appalled that military leadership has covered-up the administration's neglect of real issues that troops face before, during, and after war. Perhaps too many "yes" people get promoted through the ranks. Maybe there are too many "agreeable" subordinates in the military who don't ask the right questions. I always appreciated when an enlisted troop had a good creative suggestions, shit, some of them worked out just great. But I guess it stopped with me - but I never got sick of telling the boss "I told you so," when his bone-headed ideas wouldn't pan out the way he wanted them.

Experience-based respect (really the only respect) in the military is often equated to time in service - those with more time get more respect. Some guys have 2 or 3 years of experience, get the hang of things and are great leaders - they have character, look out for their subordinates, and handle tough problems. Unfortunately there are also guys who have 1 year of experience 10-15 times - they're dead weight, they get promoted because promotion is time-based, not performance-based as it should be. These guys get in the way and say things like "yeah, everything's just fine down here," all the while forgetting that they serve a profession and are accountable to troops above and BELOW as well. But the leaders above offer promotions and the troops below fall by the wayside. Hypocritical careerist pricks end up at the top. But any college freshman sociology class teaches that in the section on bureaucracy. It's just the way things work.

But turning a blind eye to negligence of troop medical care is plain abhorrent.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Duty Honor Country

In 1995 I started looking at what I was going to do with my life after graduating from High School. I knew I had good options in front of me, but only one seemed right. I chose the Army. I was attracted to the camaraderie, the honor, the values, and the long line of character-filled leaders that had paved the way before me. For 10 years I served in uniform. When I was done - separated for injuries from Iraq - I reflected on the past, a lot.
The Army attracts people who have character, not those who need to develop it. There is a massive exodus right now of people who are fed up with the hypocrisy that they have been trying to work around for their careers. Big Army gets the formula wrong. Every year there are pay raises, and young officers get the highest raises of all ranks - this is where, even after all the raises, these are the fastest shrinking (demographic by rank) population of troops. These young officers don't value the money to the degree Big Army thinks they do. These troops want to know that they can depend on their superiors, that they will be developed professionally, that they will be trusted and respected. These character driven values outweigh the value of the dollar to many young officers. As disappointment sets in and frustration grows when officers find little to no support from their superiors, they opt to leave the military.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Back to the basics

" . . . if you know others and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles . . . "

Sun Tzu said that thousands of years ago and it is still true.

One of the reasons we are having such trouble in our current wars is our (as a nation) lack of knowledge of our enemies. We describe them with parsed ideas: "evil-doers," "terrorists," "radicals." But we stop there and do not examine the root causes that drive these people to take action against us.
Simply put, they are foreign to us. We must become familiar with our enemies. The theory of keeping your friends close but your enemies closer can be linked (however loosely) to this idea - where to keep an enemy close is to study that enemy and get to know that enemy's motivation. Know that enemy's values. Do not, under any circumstances, assume that this enemy shares our values. To speak scientifically, our enemy is applying a different calculus to its battle plan. It has different values equated within its cost-benefit analysis of war. Until we can understand these values we cannot effectively strike this enemy, and we will be shocked after each enemy strike.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Chicken Hawks

I can't believe that there are still people in this country who have the nerve to say they support the war and then not make any personal sacrifice to support it. If you can't wear a uniform find a way to help in another way. Don't just stand there and talk shit.

If you're not willing to ante up, shut the fuck up.



I've been blogging at for a few months now. Unfortunately there is far more wrong in the world than just the military medical system and I can't keep my mouth shut. So this is where I talk about other stuff, separate from military medical issues.
If you want to talk shop on military medical stuff please go to the other site.
If you're having MEB or VA trouble shoot me an email or post a comment, someone out there probably has an answer. The answer may already be at

If we have a difference of opinions on this site, fine, but I still want to help with the medical stuff in any way I can.